Even with the dollar rising, many people still go to the United States with the intention of shopping. This is because, even with a price of R$3,50 to US$1, many products still cost cheaper abroad.
And, even better, they have the famous outlets, where the discounted merchandise from past collections.
But don't think it's something small, with a rack for each brand, no! Are huge complexes, with more than 100 stores and millions of options. It's easy to spend a whole day, not be able to visit everything and still be left without some of the things you wanted.
Knowing this, I joined some tips for those planning to visit outlets in the United States! By planning, you will know if the price is really cheaper than in stores, and you may even have time to take another trip on the same day as shopping.
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If you prefer visual content, I also created a Slideshare presentation with all the tips. The slides have less detail, so if you want to know more about any topic, just read the text here on the blog.
6 Tips for enjoying outlets in the United States
1 – Search for the best outlet near you
And with I don't mean the biggest or closest. It is important to choose one o that has the stores you want to visit.
It is true that some brands such as Nike, GAP and Guess are in almost all shopping malls of this type, but others, such as Abercrombie & Fitch and Victoria's Secret, have very few units that offer discounts. And believe me, when you find them, the prices are incredible. I've already gotten dresses for US$15 compared to the US$60 normally charged by Hollister and bras from VS for US$10!
Some suggestions for outlets in the United States:
- Orlando: For popular stores, choose the International Drive Premium Outlet. If you like luxury brands, go to Vineland Premium Outlet.
- Miami: The main ones are Dolphin mall, very well located and easy to get to, and the Sawgrass mills, which is further away but has the largest number of stores. On the Cantinho de Ná blog you can you read more about the Sawgrass Mills outlet and because it is the best I have ever visited.
- New York: Brazilians' favorite is Woodbury Common Premium. There is also the Jersey Gardens, which has a good selection of stores and is a little closer to Manhattan.
- Los Angeles: You can opt for Camarillo Premium or by Citadel, which are open to the sky, or at ontario mills, a little further away and with some stores that are difficult to find in other outlets.
- San Diego: O Las Americas, which is close to the border with Tijuana, was the best I found in the region.
If you don't have a car, take advantage of the fact that WePlann offers a car rental service. transfer for the main outlets from United States!
2 – Choose which stores you want to visit
I know, I see! When we're walking around there are so many promotion posters that it makes us want to go into every store, just to make sure we're not missing out on any incredible deals.
But by doing so, you may run out of time to make the purchases you really want.
Enter the website o in advance and make a list of the brands that interest you. Put at the top the ones you accurate take a look and at the end those that you would like to know, but that you can leave for a next occasion if you run out of time.
3 – Create a smart itinerary
It seems like a joke, but making a itinerary to visit outlets in the United States is a great option. Because they are huge, it is very likely that the stores you want to visit will be far from each other. Now imagine going back and forth all day? Tiring.
Take a look at the map, available on the website, and choose an entry to get started. From there, follow the direction that will take you to most of the stores that are at the top of your preference list. This way you walk less and still be able to find your favorite brands.
If you can't print the map or don't have internet to consult it right away, don't worry. In the food court and even in the corridors it is common to find some kiosks offering a free copy to visitors.
4 – Research the real price of the products
Despite being “discount malls”, Many stores sell products at full price.
Search the websites for the items you want to buy and keep in mind (or write down) how much they actually cost. Don't be fooled by the supposed discount that is written on the label.
Sometimes you will settle for a product with outdated technology, or in a color you didn't want because it is on “sale”, while you could buy a newer model for almost the same price.
It is also worth researching prices in Brazilian stores, as There are products that, surprisingly, are cheaper here. Ray-Ban's famous aviator glasses, for example, cost US$200 in the United States and just over R$500 here in Brazil.
Workout clothes from stores like Adidas and Nike too not They tend to have good values in my experience. I already bought a pair of Nike Pro pants here for R$99 without being on sale, and they were selling for US$70 with a discount on o.
5 – Use discount coupons
And what was already cheap can become even cheaper! In most outlets in the United States, When you present your passport at the information desk, you can pick up a book full of discount coupons!
If you do not want to take your passport, at Premium Outlet units, you can register for free to be a “VIP Member”, and have access to discounts at a lounge exclusive.
When entering a store, also check that they are not offering coupons to visitors. More than once I got 20% discounts with pamphlets handed to me while I was looking at the products.
6 – Bring a suitcase so you don’t have to carry bags
Yes, that's what you read: Take a small rolling suitcase and don't worry about carrying your purchases.
Imagine the scene: You're there, tired after 6 hours of walking around the outlet, full of new products, and decide to take a look at another clothing store. But what about going through the racks with all those bags in your arms? And, if you decide to take something, how can you hold the weight until it's time to leave?
Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself and make your day easier by using a suitcase. Many buyers do this and no one finds this practice strange anymore.
And you, do you have any other tips for enjoying outlets in the United States? Tell me the ones you've used in the comments!
Perfect tips! Looking at the mall map and prioritizing stores of interest is essential to not lose focus. The first time I went I spent the whole day walking around, I left exhausted and I hadn't bought everything I wanted, the second time I was much more objective and it was much more profitable.
If it's already difficult to focus on normal shopping, imagine going to the outlet mall, right? The first time I went wasn't very fruitful either, but it's good that we learned these tricks! I'm glad you liked the post =)